Leanne is known for her engaging, inspiring and thought-provoking presentations. She balances solid evidence-based content with flair and authentic passion; always striving to go beyond mere entertainment to truly making a difference.

Leanne speaks professionally in the subject areas central to her practice due to her deep and abiding commitment to “Safe Workplaces, Great Workplaces”.

Some audiences will need to manage volatile and complex change, navigate tricky workplace issues like the “struggle with juggle” or team conflict, confront bad behaviour that can take hold against all good common sense or want to be coached and inspired to live a fuller, more purposeful life.

While sometimes the subject matter is difficult, Leanne presents and inspires with an undeniable passion, real authenticity, humour and a sense of real-world perspective that is honest, memorable and transformative.


“Leanne Faraday-Brash was the keynote speaker at our Annual General Meeting Luncheon. Leanne was extremely well received by over 500 members and guests with her entertaining and thought provoking keynote. Her presentation was animated, engaging, practical, helpful and uplifting. Evidence of her formidable qualifications was reflected in the clarity and persuasion of her professional presentation. Leanne was a pleasure to deal with, absolutely outstanding!”  The Association for Women in Insurance NSW

“If you are looking for a gifted speaker and story teller Leanne is the one. Leanne is a highly experienced and gifted facilitator, trainer, presenter and coach. Any group of people who has the opportunity to work with Leanne becomes an instant fan.”  Behaviour at Work

Keynotes & Conference Presentations / Workshops


  • “This is Not a Dress Rehearsal!”
    on Goal setting, personal motivation, resilience and living our best life
  • “Vulture Cultures”
    on Dysfunctional workplaces and embracing the courage to fix them
  • “Authentic (courageous) conversations”
    on Tackling the really tricky people stuff
  • “A change is as good as a holiday – yeah right!”
    The Psychology of managing and leading change and transition.

Signature Workshops


  • “The Mindful Leader”©
  • “Strategic Influence”©
  • “Leading In & Out of a Crisis”
  • “Authentic (courageous) Conversations”

Keynotes & Conference Presentations / Workshops

  • “Vulture Cultures”
    Dysfunctional workplaces and how to fix them
  • “This is not a dress rehearsal!”
    Goal setting, courage and personal motivation
  • “Authentic (courageous) conversations”
    How to tackle the tricky people stuff
  • “A change is as good as a holiday – yeah right!”
    The psychology of managing and leading change.